Ways to Improve Production Tracking in Manufacturing

Efficiency in any workplace is a vital component to success; and in manufacturing, the solutions must work to eradicate failures and a halting of production. The main problems that are repeated the most in factories are the following: 

  1. There is no record of the time it takes to carry out each production process
  2. Production lines are not balanced
  3. Excessive downtime in machines and operators
  4. They do not anticipate possible unforeseen events and delivery within the deadline is not guaranteed
  5. Poor sizing of hired workers and overtime
  6. The materials needed in the production processes are not supplied on time
  7. High inventories of intermediate material
  8. Incorrect or no production planning

With better systems in place, there can be an elimination of error; and so here are the main factors to consider. Companies that use MES and APS systems, will find an increased productivity in the workplace. You can utilize an MES for their beneficial purposes. 

Prioritize and simplify

Once the priorities are established correctly, you can fulfill customer demand and hit targets and expectations. Without analyzing the forecasts, there is no way to utilize the systems to the best of their abilities. 

If you utilize ERP, you can prioritize easier. Some of the main characteristics of an ERP software are its modularity and scalability, that is, the possibility of implementing those functionalities that our company needs at all times without limiting or mortgaging future growth. 

Use lean manufacturing principles

Lean manufacturing principles are an integrated system of principles and methods, a company management philosophy that leads to the perfection of the entire system. If its implementation is carried out correctly, the company will have as a result the elimination of all operations that do not add value to the product itself. 

MES systems track operation performance to ensure that labor performance is adequately monitored to help analyze any further issues down the line that could hinder production.

MES (Manufacturing Execution System)

They are computerized systems used in production to track and document the conversion of raw materials into finished products. These two systems work in conjunction with each other to increase efficiency and allow you to schedule and maintain a proficient cycle in which you can monitor and track. 

MES monitors produce and order details at the plant level, collect transactions to inform planning and financial systems, and electronically distribute orders and manufacturing instructions to plant personnel. In this instance, factory communication systems are in fact massively important for future success. 

You can link your MES to an ERP system. It communicates to the MES system what has to be manufactured and the MES is in charge of executing that order in detail, collecting details associated with it in real time, such as: changes in manufacturing orders, adjustments in manufacturing parameters. There are different types of MES tracking systems but the VT3000 is one not to be missed. 

This system combines four flexible benefits, including the ability to call an operator for support. Implementation of prompt support increases productivity. Secondly you can see updates in real time which improves decision making because of increased visibility. 

Reports can be found adequately which improves future performance, including generating insights to allow you to efficiently troubleshoot. Its practicality saves wasted time in the future. Finally, the connectivity to other systems allows for smooth running transitions as well as pulling data from ERP systems – they will interconnect for smart and efficient manufacturing.