

  • Markus Waibel, Michael Beetz, Javier Civera, Raffaello d’Andrea, Jos Elfring, Dorian Galvez-Lopez, Kai Häussermann, Rob Janssen, J.M.M. Montiel, Alexander Perzylo, Bjoern Schiessle, Moritz Tenorth, Oliver Zweigle and M.J.G. (René) Van de Molengraft. RoboEarth – A World Wide Web for Robots. In Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE, vol 18, no 2, pp 69-82, June 2011.
    doi: 10.1109/MRA.2011.941632 [PDF | BIB]
  • Javier Civera, Oscar G. Grasa, Andrew J. Davison and J.M.M. Montiel. 1-Point RANSAC for Extended Kalman Filtering: Application to Real-Time Structure from Motion and Visual Odometry. In Journal of Field Robotics, Special Issue: Visual Mapping and Navigation Outdoors, vol 27, issue 5, pp 609-631, Sept/Oct 2010.
  • Pedro Pinies, Lina Maria Paz, Dorian Galvez-Lopez and Juan D. Tardos. CI-Graph simultaneous localization and mapping for three-dimensional reconstruction of large and complex environments using a multicamera system. In Journal of Field Robotics, Special Issue: Visual Mapping and Navigation Outdoors, vol 27, issue 5, pp 561–586, Sept/Oct 2010.
  • Michael Beetz, Dominik Jain, Lorenz Moesenlechner and Moritz Tenorth: Towards Performing Everyday Manipulation Activities. In Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol 58, issue 9, Sept 2010.
  • Joan Sola, Teresa Vidal-Calleja, Javier Civera and J.M.M. Montiel. Impact of Landmark Parametrization on Monocular EKF-SLAM with Points and Lines. In International Journal of Computer Vision. Online First, 9 September 2011.
  • Hauke Strasdat, J.M.M. Montiel and Andrew J. Davison. Visual SLAM: Why Filter? In Image and Vision Computing. Editor’s Choice Invited Paper. Accepted for publication with minor changes.
  • Moritz Tenorth, Ulrich Klank, Dejan Pangercic and Michael Beetz. Web-Enabled Robots. In Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE, vol 18, no 2, pp 58-68, June 2011.
    doi: 10.1109/MRA.2011.940993.
  • Daniel Roggen, Stephane Magnenat, Markus Waibel and Gerhard Troster. Wearable Computing – Designing and Sharing Activity-Recognition Systems Across Platforms. In Robotics & Automation Magazine, IEEE, vol 18, no 2, pp. 83 – 95, 2011.
  • Michael Beetz, Dominik Jain, Lorenz Mösenlechner, Moritz Tenorth, Lars Kunze, Nico Blodow, Dejan Pangercic. Cognition-Enabled Autonomous Robot Control for the Realization of Home Chore Task Intelligence, In Proceedings of the IEEE. vol. 100, 2012.
  • Florian Michahelles, Rob van Kranenburg and Markus Waibel. Enlisting Robots. In RFID Journal, Issue: Jul./Aug. 2012. [HTML]
  • Cesar Cadena, Dorian Galvez-Lopez, Juan D. Tardos and Jose Neira. Robust Place Recognition With Stereo Sequences. In IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Volume 28, Number 4, Pages 871-885, August 2012.
  • Dorian Galvez-Lopez, Juan D. Tardos. Bags of Binary Words for Fast Place Recognition in Image Sequences. In IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Volume 28, Number 5, Pages 1188-1197, October 2012.
  • Moritz Tenorth and Michael Beetz. KnowRob — A Knowledge Processing Infrastructure for
    Cognition-enabled Robots. Part 1: The KnowRob System
    . In International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), Volume 32, Number 5, Pages 566-590, April 2013.
  • Moritz Tenorth, Alexander Clifford Perzylo, Reinhard Lafrenz and Michael Beetz. Representation and Exchange of Knowledge about Actions, Objects, and Environments in the RoboEarth Framework. In IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering (T-ASE), Accepted for publication, 2013.
  • Luis Riazuelo, Javier Civera and J.M.M. Montiel. C2TAM: A Cloud framework for Cooperative Tracking And Mapping. In Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 62, Number 4, Pages 401-413, April 2014.