What To Consider Before Getting Veneers

More and more people are considering teeth veneers and other cosmetic dentistry surgeries. The right cosmetic dentist surgeries can improve your smile, your self-esteem, and even your health despite the “cosmetic” label.
Dental veneers are one of the most common cosmetic dental surgeries, only taking a few visits and ensuring a healthy white smile. Here are a few things to know and consider before undergoing this surgery.
What is a Dental Veneer?
A dental veneer is a thin cover or cap which is bonded to your teeth, generally your front ones. The veneer is normally colored white and can be used to cover a chipped or permanently stained tooth. Some people only have one tooth covered by a veneer, while others may need more to create a perfect smile which makes you look that much better.
There are two types of veneers. Porcelain is the traditional material for veneers, though some doctors use a composite resin. The latter is generally cheaper and easier to replace but does not last as long.
The Procedure
Dental veneers can be confused with dental crowns and implants, but there is a major difference. A crown seeks to grind down large sections of the tooth before placing the crown over the tooth, often because the tooth is more damaged. A veneer only grinds down part of the enamel or upper layer before being placed over the tooth. The surgery is thus less extensive, expensive, and keeps more of your tooth.
While there are “no-prep” options to get a veneer, most dentists will require multiple visits and days to do a veneer. First, the dentist will remove the enamel and make an impression of the tooth. The dentist will then send the impression off to a specialist who will make the custom veneers. Finally, the dentist will cement the veneers over your teeth.
Long-Term Care and Consequences
A dental veneer is not a permanent fixture. Over time, they can become cracked, chipped, or lose their white color. But with good care, they can last for years, with porcelain veneers potentially lasting for decades.
Make sure to routinely take care of your teeth, including visiting your dentist every 6 months. In the immediate aftermath of the procedure, keep an eye for any discomfort, pain, or if something appears out of place.
Understanding Cost
Dental veneers are classified as cosmetic surgery, which means that it is generally not covered by health insurance. However, you should check with your provider to see if something is possible.
There are several factors to consider. As noted above, porcelain veneers are more expensive compared to resin veneers. American Cosmetic Dentistry states that a porcelain veneer for a single tooth can cost from $925 to $2500. But since porcelain veneers can last for significantly longer than a resin veneer, it can be cheaper over the long run.
It can be possible to save by checking multiple dentists in the area, or by going to a dental clinic. But while veneers are not cheap, seeing a new, healthy white smile can be worth it over the long term.