Ferrari Energy CEO Adam Ferrari Comments on Effective Action at a Distance: How to Create Compelling Virtual Presentations That Will Wow Your Audience and Get the Job Done

Ferrari Energy CEO Adam Ferrari Comments on Effective Action at a Distance: How to Create Compelling Virtual Presentations That Will Wow Your Audience and Get the Job Done

Video call group business people meeting on virtual workplace or remote office. Telework conference call using smart video technology to communicate colleague in professional corporate business.

Face-to-face presentations may become a thing of the past as the coronavirus has changed how businesses interact with clients. The pandemic has forced companies to reevaluate how to approach delivering a presentation. Technology offers solutions to these issues, and it’s the responsibility of companies to adopt these practices to continue to function during periods of remote work and social distancing.

Virtual presentations may be changing the landscape for the better, though, and there are multiple strategies companies can enact to ensure a compelling virtual performance. 

Adam Ferrari is a petroleum engineer and entrepreneur. He founded his own private mineral rights company, Ferrari Energy, to educate landowners on how to best manage their acreage. Below, Ferrari outlines how to create persuasive virtual presentations:

Strategize the Delivery

Just like a presentation done in-person, virtual presentations can be delivered in a multitude of ways. When providing a message or pitching a sale through a presentation, the ultimate goal is to capture the interest of listeners and communicate to the audience effectively. Research different presentations online, such as TED Talks and presentation outlines, and draw inspiration from what you enjoyed.

Speak and Talk Visibly 

The limitations of technology require audible and concise speaking. Presenters do not want issues with audio to become a distraction during their pitch. That said, keeping an upbeat tone is critical to hold the audience’s attention. Some individuals start with a strong introduction but fall short if their nerves detract from their presentation’s overall delivery. Those who struggle with this issue should focus on pacing themselves and keeping calm and collected. While the emphasis on this may seem a bit over the top, more effort is required during virtual presentations.

Incorporate Interaction

During any virtual presentation, a presenter wants to be sure to plan to engage their audience. Traditional presentation strategies involve moving around the room, directing specific eye contact, or body language. This will be either impossible to do or more challenging remotely, so the speaker must find other ways to remain engaging. This could mean more involved visual aids or asking for those tuning in to respond to questions. Doing this helps the speaker understand how engaged their audience is during the presentation.

Let There Be Pauses

The awkward pause that comes after asking for audience participation or when switching points is not necessarily bad. Instead, these moments should be embraced with the knowledge that many virtual audiences are stereotypically passive. Silence is a great tool to utilize to allow audience members to process the presentation. For example, if a virtual presentation is a sales pitch to another company, avoid filling the pause with a drawn-out monologue or awkward, nervous rambling that only repeats what has already been said. Embrace the moment with confidence to allow others to think of questions or comments.

Embrace Images and Simplify

When communicating through virtual tools, it is wise to simplify any message or idea with images. Sometimes long verbal talks will keep an audience from grasping every vital detail. Infographics, photos, and graphs help to make dense presentations more digestible.  

About Adam Ferrari

Adam Ferrari is an oil and gas entrepreneur and petroleum engineer. Adam Ferrari has worked in both petroleum engineering and finance and used this experience to create a Denver-based mineral acquisitions company, Ferrari Energy. He has become an expert in his field and has guided many clients through the difficult process of mineral rights and acquisition. Ferrari is also a philanthropist and has used his success at Ferrari Energy to give back to his community.