Break-Fix vs. Managed IT Services: Which One is Right for My Business

Technology is vital for improving productivity and enabling companies to operate efficiently. When your business IT is working as it should, it enhances your business operation. However, when IT goes wrong the impact can be incredibly detrimental.
Picture this scenario, your business is enjoying the busiest time of the year, and sales are booming. But, suddenly your system crashes and won’t restart. The phones are ringing, customers are demanding to know what is happening, and your employees are unsure what to do. System downtime is expensive to businesses, and damaging to your reputation, especially if you have disgruntled customers as a result. There are many methods of resolving your IT concerns, so the question is which method works best?
Break-Fix Approach or Managed IT Service
When faced with an IT emergency, you have two options: call and pay to have it repaired by a local IT company (the break-fix IT solution), or pay for regular maintenance and services of an IT Service Company to quickly fix any issues and provide an ongoing Managed IT Service. There are pros and cons to both options so it is vital to consider which is the best fit for your business.
Pros and Cons of Break-Fix IT Solutions
Are you wondering whether the “break-fix” IT solution option is best for your business? If so, here are some of the pros and cons for you to consider:
- No commitment to pay each month.
- You can seek out IT assistance, but only when you need it.
- You may end up paying more for the IT assistance that you would have with maintenance.
- The issue may take longer to resolve if the break-fix IT company cannot get around to helping you straight away. This means even more system downtime.
- The break-fix IT company may not have experience in dealing with your individual issue.
Pros and Cons of Managed Service Providers
Getting a Managed IT Service is a popular choice for many businesses that are looking for IT support. As with the break-fix IT option, there are both pros and cons to enlisting the help of a Managed IT Service Provider. Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages to help you to decide which option is best for you:
- IT support will always be on hand when you need it the most.
- Using their expert knowledge, a Managed Service Provider should be able to detect issues before they become a major problem.
- Paying a monthly fee may be more cost-effective than expensive ad hoc repair bills.
- You may not want to commit to the monthly cost of an IT managed service provider.
- Choosing the right MSP is essential, otherwise, they may not be up to the job.
While it’s best to assess what your company will uniquely need, a Managed Service Provider offers the steady maintenance to avoid any down-time acquired from waiting until system failure. For the most reliable service, consider enrolling with an MSP for individualized IT security.