A Checklist for Organising a Seminar

Organising a seminar or business meeting can be a very stressful experience, and if you are tasked with such a thing, there is much to consider. Taking a leaf out of the event planner’s book would mean creating lists, which is the easiest way to keep track of your progress, and with that in mind, here are a few essentials to include in your list of things to do.

  • Speakers – No doubt you will have a long list of people who are to speak at your seminar, and they all need to be fully informed in order that they know exactly what they need. All digital presentations should be submitted in advance, which allows you to proof all the content, plus you should include a checklist for each speaker to tick off the services they require.
  • The Venue – The geographical location is obviously important, and with affordable, state-of-the-art meeting rooms in Yangon, you can invite your participants to enjoy a unique experience. The venue must have extensive experience in hosting international seminars and conferences, as they would have all the resources you might require.
  • IT Hardware – Always have one spare laptop that could be used in an emergency (install all of the presentations in a single folder) and have that in your temporary office. You will, no doubt be videoing the event, so make sure that and the stills photography are booked, as you must record the event for future analysis.
  • Audio Checks – While the hotel would have state of the art audio-visual equipment, you still need to carry out sound checks; moving to different parts of the room, making sure you can hear clearly. Keep a couple of microphone batteries in your bag, which could avert a disaster, and assign someone to oversee this while the seminar is in progress. If you have floating mics for the participants, have at least two people who are charged with handing these out, and if they each have a spare battery, you are covered.
  • Refreshments – If the hotel is dealing with this, they would have a choice of menus, and make sure that breaks in the program are in line with the refreshment schedule, otherwise it might be a little embarrassing. Otherwise, make sure a top-end catering company is there.
  • Seating – You might allow people to sit where they choose, or you may have a separate area for certain participants; either way, check and double check that you have adequate seating.
  • Registration – Of course, it is essential to have a record of who attends, and you would likely have a few tables outside the room designated for seminar registration. Make sure the staff have everything they need, and remind them that they are the first impression people will encounter.
  • Climate Control – Of course, this would be the hotel’s domain, but you can actually ask for a specific temperature, and a quick word to your event manager would see the climate at your chosen setting.
  • QA – It is a common failing to not allow sufficient time for questions and answers, and while some events would not require this, if yours does, then at least speak with the hotel regarding a time extension.

A smooth event experience is the result of planning and preparation, and even though the hotel might be experienced, you should go over everything with your event manager, to ensure nothing is overlooked.